Believers Bible Fellowship

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How Far Will You Go?

For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.

“What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and search for the one that is straying? -Matthew 18:11-12

Jesus went a long way from home because he was on a mission, he told us that his mission was to seek and to save the lost, their was nothing that could keep him from his mission.

Jesus posed a question that resonated with his audience of that day. It dealt with a profession that was very common and understandable to them, a shepherd. The question was simple but very direct.

If you had a 100 sheep and one was lost would you be willing to leave the 99 on the mountain and go search for the one straying? Now I am not a shepherd but there is something in me that says if I was, I would. It is almost instinctive. When something or someone is lost, we desperately want to find it. We will even join others to help them find something or someone because we care.

I like the phrase in the passage today that says, “leave the ninety-nine on the mountain.” There is always risk in leaving but you can’t find the one if you don’t. Being missional is being willing to leave the mountain to head for the valley. I know there is comfort on the mountain and after all you still have 99 sheep. Why leave for just one? You have got to get out of the walls of the church so you can make a difference. This is why I love leading and going on mission trips.

The mission God has for us is to know Him and to make Him known. How far will you go for the mission? Will you risk leaving the 99 for the sake of one? Is God calling you to take the next step?